MCA’s Project Catalyst: Smart Donations
The Smart Donation Process Described:
- Proposal Submitted - Using the FirstRoot model of participatory budgeting and democratic process, a class/es, a grade/s, or the entire school, will propose, research, vote, and submit targeted, Smart Donation proposals with budget requirements. *
- Donor Commits - Individual or organizational donors evaluate and then commit to funding a proposal through a Smart Donation contract on the website. Donor enters contact information and funds the proposal in the escrow account of the smart contract. Funds are held in escrow until proposal completion.
- School Executes - In this case, MCA from its Treasury account funds the implementation of the proposal and submits evidence of execution, receipts, photos, short report, etc.
- Smart Donation Activated - By prior agreement and upon submission of evidence of proposal completion, donor-committed funds are released to the school (MCA) Treasury account.
* A similar structure (Proposals Submitted, Donor Commits, School Executes, Donation Activated) to guarantee funds go for the intended purpose may be considered and made available to donors and stakeholders.
The Smart Donation Results Reported:
MCA Cardano Implementers
Paid Invoice