Identity System
Digital and Dedicated Identity
A more secure, streamlined, and efficient way of managing personal information
Cardano's Identity System is called Atala Prism. Atala Prism will revolutionize the way students, staff, & faculty manage and share their personal information through a secure and decentralized digital platform.
Each user is assigned a unique digital identity that serves as a virtual repository for important documents like certificates, degrees, identity papers, and more. With full control over their credentials, individuals can rest assured that their information is protected and accessible only to those with whom they choose to share it.
Say goodbye to the stress and hassle of managing multiple physical copies of credentials and say hello to a more secure, streamlined, and efficient way of managing your personal information.
The Atala identity system is built into the new Cardano light wallet, Lace, and will become available once we transition students' accounts to the Lace wallet.

A Closer Look
How we're protecting our students